Our winegrowers

Angelique Ossardintro

Mouton Cadet winegrowers: a strong and close relationship

Mouton Cadet has forged a close and continuous relationship with its community of 150 winegrowers from all parts of the Bordeaux vineyard. 70% of them have been working with Mouton Cadet for more than nine years and 90% for more than three years in aggregate, and with one winegrower our shared passion goes back as far as 1998! The bond between us is rooted in our respective know-how and expertise. The distinctive characteristics of the different terroirs are a significant factor, of course, but the experience of the men and women who work in them are just as important.
Winegrowers are the keepers of an ancestral art, craftspeople of the land to which they are intimately linked. They know their vineyard inside out. Every morning, in the first light of dawn, they are already out there. At each stage of the vine growth cycle they repeat the same precise movements, practising skills refined from generation to generation. The age-old round of vineyard tasks continues, the winegrowers are attentive to the rhythms of the earth. They observe the flourishing of the vines, the ripening of the grapes, always alert to the slightest change.
Each wine selected for Mouton Cadet bears witness to a year spent listening to what the vines and grapes have to say.

Bouteille Icone rouge

A passion for winegrowing

Jean-Pierre Charrut

Jean-Pierre Charrut

Saint Quentin de Caplong Mouton Cadet Red and Mouton Cadet White

Jean-Pierre is a force of nature. He has enjoyed the good years and resolutely weathered those in which nature has proved capricious. Experience incarnate, he manages his vineyard at Saint Quentin de Caplong, on the right bank of Bordeaux, with a sure eye. He knows his vines and his terroir like the back of his hand, with the quiet confidence born of long practice. He has been a trusted partner of Mouton Cadet since 2006, working hand in hand with the brand’s winemakers. Together they have carefully selected the parcels that enhance the blend of Mouton Cadet Red and Mouton Cadet White. Already close, the relationship has strengthened vintage after vintage, shaped by years of support, regular visits and impassioned discussions. Jean-Pierre shares his know-how, passing on the secrets of his terroirs and his vines. The winemakers, for their part, bring their expertise, their keen eye and a new vision of each vintage.

Angélique Ossard

Angélique Ossard

Saint-Vivien de Monségur Mouton Cadet Organic Red and Mouton Cadet Les Terroirs Sauvignon Blanc

Her loyal border collie at her side, Angélique tracks through her vines on the slightly sloping hillside with the brisk pace of someone who enjoys sport. A bright, open smile is the reflection of someone for whom commitment comes naturally. With her brother and her parents, Angélique runs the family estate in the Bordeaux appellation. A lover of the soil, she opted for organic winegrowing and converted with the help of our technical staff. Her vineyard now has organic certification: 18 hectares are used to make Mouton Cadet Organic Red and one hectare to make Organic Sauvignon Blanc.

Guillaume and Mathieu Fortain

Sainte-Foy-la-Longue Mouton Cadet Red

The Fortain vineyard at Sainte-Foy-la-Longue, in the heart of the Bordeaux appellation, has been in the family for four generations. The legacy has been handed down from father to son, giving them a thorough understanding of their exceptional clay-limestone terroir and the precious parcels that make up the 58.5 hectares of their vineyard. Cereal farmers as well as winegrowers, the Fortain brothers work responsibly with a deep commitment to the environment and its ecosystem. Mixed cropping, close attention to nature and the many trees and embankments on their land make the estate a haven of biodiversity.

Thibaud et Guillaume

Thibaud and Guillaume Secret

Civrac-en-Médoc Mouton Cadet Cuvée Héritage and Réserve Mouton Cadet Médoc

Thibaud and Guillaume Secret, brothers in their thirties full of life and ideas, are the driving force behind a winegrowing estate at Civrac-en-Médoc in the Médoc appellation. The third generation of winegrowers in the family, they have the strength of youth and an innovative mindset that generates an infectious energy. They are guided by their uncle and their father, each bringing their particular expertise, in a happy combination of tradition and innovation. Their 47-hectare estate is a testbed for their enthusiasm and innovative ideas. Everything they do, from tending their vines to making their wine, is guided by a constant quest for quality. The Secret brothers recently joined the Mouton Cadet winegrower community. Their wines are used in the Réserve and Héritage ranges.

Stephanie Chollet

Stéphanie Chollet

Margueron Mouton Cadet Red

Stéphanie Chollet gave up her job in the insurance industry to buy a 16-hectare property in the heart of the Entre-Deux-Mers region. Beneath a gentle exterior, Stéphanie has an inner strength that guides her unswervingly towards her goals. Her career path is typical of a new generation of inspired and incredibly determined winegrowers. Stéphanie joined the Mouton Cadet community in 2020. It was a considered choice, driven by her constant quest for quality, the exacting standards she applies to the management of her vineyard, and an unshakeable resolve. She considers passion and a love for work well done to be key drivers. Mouton Cadet believes in the fervour of the highly motivated people who cultivate these unique terroirs. Stéphanie is a typical example of the boldness, dedication and commitment to quality that drive Mouton Cadet winegrowers, intent on creating fine wines and sharing their passion with the world.

Laurent Zecchini

Laurent Zecchini

Juillac Mouton Cadet Red

Laurent Zecchini, a winegrower at Juillac who joined the Mouton Cadet community in 2022, has a 27-hectare vineyard planted with Merlot, Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon grapes used to make Mouton Cadet Red. His vines are ideally situated, perched on hillsides overlooking the Dordogne river. As well as being a committed winegrower, Laurent is also an active member of the local community. As a local councillor, he devotes part of his life to his village and to improving the well-being of all. He is particularly keen to promote a spirit of community between vinegrowers and residents who live near vineyards. His time and energy are proof of his commitment to the community and his desire to help make the world a better place for everyone.

Alain Mège

Générac Mouton Cadet Cuvée Héritage

Alain Mège, a winegrower at Générac in the Côtes de Blaye appellation, likes to talk. For him, transmission – passing on skills, knowledge, terroirs – is crucial and has guided his life. One particular aspect of this legacy is dear to his heart: that of passing on grape varieties and the personality of vines, which are the true genetic heritage of our regions. Alain has put his beliefs into practice by also becoming a nurseryman. He clones grape varieties and works passionately to find the ideal pairing of grape variety and rootstock, seeking those best suited to different terroirs. He will even create tailored solutions to meet specific needs as precisely as possible. Since 2015, in the context of his partnership with Mouton Cadet, Alain has been lovingly tending his 20 hectares of Merlot under our winemakers’ watchful eye. Together they make characterful wines with powerful, carefully crafted tannins that bring structure to Mouton Cadet Cuvée Héritage.

Pierre Blanc

Pierre Blanc

Flaujagues Mouton Cadet Rosé and Mouton Cadet White

Pierre Blanc tends a 16-hectare vineyard at Flaujagues, beside the Dordogne river in the Côtes de Castillon appellation, where nature and the art of winegrowing come together. The coolness that comes from the river and the morning mist that caresses the vines combine with a unique terroir to give the wines unrivalled freshness, ideal for Sauvignon Blanc. Merlot grapes that contribute to the blend for Mouton Cadet Rosé flourish on his more vigorous vines, more exposed to the sun. Pierre has been a Mouton Cadet partner since 2017. He isn’t only a winegrower, though, because he also has kiwi-fruit orchards and grows cereal crops in an expanding quest for biodiversity to keep ecosystems healthy.

Quentin Terrigeol

Saint-Ciers-sur-Gironde Mouton Cadet White and Mouton Cadet Red

Quentin Terrigeol, a winegrower at Saint-Ciers-sur-Gironde in the Côtes de Blaye appellation, loves his terroir. His vineyard benefits from the oceanic influence typical of the region as well as the distinctive Côtes de Blaye terroir, which brings subtle freshness and delicate refinement to the final Mouton Cadet blend. He joined the Mouton Cadet community in 2019 with 12 hectares of vines that produce Sauvignon Blanc and Merlot. For Quentin, being a winegrower is not only about tending vines. It is a human adventure in which exchanges of know-how and the forging of human bonds are just as important as the wine itself. In his partnership with Mouton Cadet he finds a source of inspiration and a community of winegrowers who share the same passion. It is those relationships that give rise to high-quality wines, springing from the harmony between vines, expert knowledge and friendship.

Cédric Bégard

Cédric Bégard

Laroque Mouton Cadet White and Mouton Cadet Red

At the head of a 21-hectare vineyard at Laroque in the Côtes-de-Bordeaux, Cédric Bégard stands out for his meticulous precision and perfectionism. The remarkable elegance of his red wines testifies to his passion for the expression of fruit. His hillside Semillons display exceptional concentration. Another part of his vineyard, beside Laromet Lake, gives his wines a distinctive freshness. Cédric has a deep love of his vines, of nature, of his life as a winegrower. For him, each day spent in the vineyard is a source of well-being and inspiration. Communion with nature leaves him in a state of dreamy, poetic contemplation that makes him even more demanding and precise in his day-to-day work.

Our winegrowers by terroir


Winegrowers in their own words

Jean-Pierre Charrut

Jean-Pierre Charrut

Mouton Cadet Red and Mouton Cadet White

“I know my vineyard; the winemakers know their stuff and give us a helping hand with a vision of the end-product they’re looking for when they’ve finished blending. After a hard day’s work in the vineyard or the winery, there’s nothing better than sitting around a table with friends and sharing a good bottle. That’s when our wine really comes to life!”

Angélique Ossard

Angélique Ossard

Mouton Cadet Les Terroirs Sauvignon Blanc and Mouton Cadet Organic Red

“I get away from it all with running and playing handball. They help me to keep the challenges of being a winegrower in perspective – it can be really demanding – and I get to meet inspiring people. As a sportswoman I like a challenge, and converting to organic is certainly that! As in sport, support and encouragement are vital. The people from Mouton Cadet were with me throughout the process, and they still are in my day-to-day work.”

Guillaume and Mathieu Fortain

Guillaume and Mathieu Fortain

Mouton Cadet Red

“As craftspeople, our partnership with Mouton Cadet means that we can focus fully on tending our vines so as to get the best out of them. We pass on skills and know-how proudly from one generation to the next. United by our passion for the vine, we love coming together over a good meal with a bottle of our wine. It’s a time when we can savour the fruit of our labours, enjoy memories of days gone by and look forward with hope to a future in which our children will carry on the family tradition.”

Alain Mège

Alain Mège

Mouton Cadet Cuvée Héritage

“I’ve got a motorhome and love travelling, seeing distant landscapes and meeting new people. My travels are a real source of inspiration, just like my discussions with other winegrowers, whether from round here or further afield. Each occasion is an opportunity for me to learn, to share know-how, to enhance my skills, with the constant desire to pass on what I know. So when I have a bit more time, I’ll be out on the road more often!”

Pierre Blanc

Pierre Blanc

Mouton Cadet Rosé and Mouton Cadet White

“For me, our wine is an echo of nature. When I drink it, I can hear the story of this very special terroir where the Dordogne meets our vines. For Sunday lunch with the family, I like to share a few dozen oysters with our white wine. It’s another kind of coming together, another way of experiencing nature in the confluence of saline flavours with the freshness of the wine.”

Thibaud and Guillaume Secret

Thibaud and Guillaume Secret

Mouton Cadet Cuvée Héritage and Réserve Mouton Cadet Médoc

“We have a little fishing hut overlooking the Gironde estuary. It’s our quiet place, where nature and the family come together. With the ebb and flow of the tide we share precious moments where happiness is a simple thing. And of course there’s always a bottle of wine in there somewhere!”

Stéphanie Chollet

Stéphanie Chollet

Mouton Cadet Red

“Everything I have done is for my son. That is my ultimate goal: to pass the passion that drives me on to him. I’m not originally from the winegrowing world, but I know that working in the vineyard has immeasurably enhanced my life. I want my son too to discover that source of joy and know-how, which goes much further than our origins.”

Laurent Zecchini

Laurent Zecchini

Mouton Cadet Red

“For me, being a winegrower isn’t just about tending vines, it’s also about working for the good of my community. Every day I try to make a difference, to make a personal contribution to a brighter future for everyone.”

Quentin Terrigeol

Quentin Terrigeol

Mouton Cadet White and Mouton Cadet Red

“My discussions with other winegrowers from the Mouton Cadet community are an invaluable source of inspiration. Each of us brings our little bit of know-how and that’s how great wines come into being, in coming together, in sharing, and also in humility.”

Cédric Bégard

Cédric Bégard

Mouton Cadet White and Mouton Cadet Red

“Autumn is the most remarkable time of year in our very special hills, marking the end of a year of hard work in the vines and the birth of a new wine. Tendrils of mist embrace our slopes, creating a multi-coloured Impressionist painting. Nature seems to hover over our terroirs, and the mystery of the possible outline of the Pyrenees on the horizon absorbs us, inviting us to take the time to look and to see.”

Our know-how


raisins blanc Guillaume et Thibaud Secret