Grilled veal chop, vegetables and summer truffle

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Tarte en fleur

Grilled veal chop, vegetables and summer truffle

Preparation 30 minutes
Service 4 people
Difficulty 3/10


  • 2kg Bazas veal chop
  • 150g summer or white truffle
  • 8 courgette/zucchini flowers
  • 1 aubergine/eggplant
  • 4 plum tomatoes
  • 150g cherries
  • 2 cloves new pink garlic
  • Espelette pepper
  • Salt and pepper


  1. Fire up the barbecue with vine-shoots, leaving some embers. Sear the veal chop for about 5 mins on each side according to thickness. The meat should still be pink.
  2. Cut the aubergine/eggplant into 1cm slices and put them on the grill.
  3. Cut the courgette/zucchini flowers in half lengthwise and fry them in a knob of butter.
  4. Cut off the bottom of the tomatoes so that they sit more easily on the barbecue.
  5. Pit the cherries (remove the stones). Warm the tomatoes and the cherries on the barbecue.
  6. Chop the garlic and add it to olive oil with Espelette pepper to make a scented oil.
    Prepare some truffle shavings.
  7. Coat the vegetables, tomatoes and cherries with scented oil and season with salt and pepper.
  8. Carve the veal chop and plate up with the vegetables.
    Sprinkle with summer or white truffle shavings .